Kanguru Defender DualTrust, Secure Virtual WorkSpace and Hardware Encrypted Flash DriveNovember 11, 2013 

One of Kanguru's latest secure devices received an excellent review from A Luxury Travel Blog recently, commending it as 1 of 4 tried and tested travel accessories for his trip to south-west Ireland. 

Mr. Johnson, a travel enthusiast and luxury travel blogger took along his 16GB Kanguru Defender DualTrust™ and found it to be a great way to secure photos from his trip. Along with the peace of mind it gave him for storing photos, Mr. Johnson was also impressed with the built-in secure online environment, giving him secure access to the internet anywhere he traveled.

The on-board Secure Virtual WorkSpace™ provides a secure online browsing environment - separate from a host computer's operating system, preventing malware, spyware and viruses from being able to capture any private data when online.  Files can be downloaded, stored on the hardware encrypted device and removed, leaving no traceable or vulnerable information behind. 


 To learn more about the Kanguru Defender DualTrust, click here.  

Kanguru Defender DualTrust Video - How It Works or View the VIDEO on how the
Kanguru Defender DualTrust works.



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